
Name : Antonino Galletta
Speciality : BigData, Cloud Computing, Osmotic Computing, e-healt
Email :
Affilation : Assistant professor, Computer Science, University of Messina

Antonino Galletta is an assistant professor at the University of Messina. In 2020 he received a PhD from the University of Reggio Calabria (Italy). He received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. (with honors) in Computer Engineering from the University of Messina. Before starting the PhD, he worked as a senior software developer and a team leader at the University of Messina from 2013 to 2016.

He is the PI of two Italian Research Projects of National Interest (PRIN) funded by the Ministry of University and Research, and the PI of “InstradaME” an Italian project funded by the Ministry of Interior.

In 2019 he was the PI of NAME (Helsinki Noise and Air quality Monitoring systEm) a project funded by the European Pre-Commercial Procurement Project “Select for Cities” (Grant Agreement No 688196).

His main research activities focus on the security of Cloud/Edge/IoT technologies for Smart cities and eHealth solutions including Big Data management and Blockchain. Due to his contribution to the research, he has been selected among the 200 top young researchers in Mathematics and Computer Science to participate in the prestigious “Heidelberg Laureate Forum” held in Heidelberg in September 2019. He has been the winner of two editions of the precious “Leonardo Innovation Award” in 2018 (First Placed) and 2017 (Second Placed). In 2019 he was one of the winners of the FIWARE Genoa Hackathon. In 2018, in December he won the Vienna FIWARE challenge and in April, during the “International Conference on Geoinformatics and Data Analysis” (ICGDA, Prague 20-22 April), he won the “Best Presentation Award”.

He was the guest editor of several SI on Q1 journals. Currently, he is an Associate Editor of several journals including Elsevier SusCom, Heliyon Computer Science Section, Elsevier Chip etc.; one of the members of the Technical Committee of the Elsevier Computer Communication Journal and a reviewer of more than 20 respected Journals, Chair of several International Conferences and co-author of more than 70 manuscripts.

His Bibliometric indicators are listed below:

-          Google Scholar: Citations 1219; h-index 19

-          Scopus: Citations 852; h-index 16