Welcome to the Advances in Internet of Things and Edge Computing (AITAI)

AITAI is a global, peer-reviewed open access online journal, committed to timely publication of original
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AITAI is published four times a year and is committed to a timely
review peer review process of three to six weeks of the initial paper submission.

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About Journal
Edge Computing Journal

Advances in Internet of Things and Edge Computing is a leading interdisciplinary open-access journal that focuses on the Internet of Things (IoT), Edge Computing and its related applications. Advances in Internet of Things and Edge Computing is dedicated to the dissemination of cutting-edge research, developments, and innovations at the intersection of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Edge Computing. Advances in Internet of Things and Edge Computing is committed to upholding rigorous peer review standards and promoting open access to facilitate knowledge sharing, and collaborations. Advances in Internet of Things and Edge Computing is a quarterly Journal.

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Welcome Letter From Associate Editor

Welcome to the Advances in Internet of Things and Edge Computing. Internet of Things (IoT) and Edge Computing are key to supporting Cyber-Physical Systems that integrate smart devices in the physical environment with smart applications using standard IoT protocols, where standardization is critical. These protocols extend the traditional Internet to enable machines and humans to interact with each other. Indeed, although IoT has Machine-to-Machine (M2M) and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) as ancestors and inherits some of their features, protocol standardization is the big differentiator.
In this context, AI, networking and communications, and smart devices play a decisive role in supporting numerous initiatives that are vital to the future of society. Consider Vehicle-to-Infrastructure architectures, Smart Cities, Building Automation, Urban Agriculture, Participative Sensing, Connected Health, and more importantly, Industrial IoT. Specifically, Industrial IoT aims to bring manufacturing closer to markets, promoting nearshoring and reshoring. In the long run, this benefits consumers by offering much more for less and improving value chains.
In addition to industrial IoT, factors like sustainability and physical security are also crucial elements in all these initiatives. Moreover, global gamechangers like natural resource constraints, population growth, and economic growth have put an urgency in the deployment of Cyber-Physical Systems. Fortunately, technological and scientific developments have led to advancements in material sciences, energy production, embedded processing, the aforementioned protocol standardization, and the development of smart decision-making systems. These areas are megatrends that drive Cyber-Physical Systems and can only be supported through research and development in areas associated with IoT and Edge Computing systems. Topics like Tiny Machine Learning and IoT protocols are instrumental to enabling these systems.
In summary, Cyber-Physical Systems are intelligent systems that rely on IoT and Edge Computing to advance the evolution of industry and society. As such, this journal serves as a key player in promoting this evolution.

Thank you,
Rolando Herrero, Ph.D.
Program Director Telecommunication Networks and Cyber Physical Systems | +1 (617) 373-8230 | Multidisciplinary Graduate Engineering (MGEN)

508 Dana Research Center | Northeastern University | 360 Huntington Avenue,
Boston, MA, USA 02115-5000

Editorial Board
Anca L. Ralescu
Editor in Chief


José Neuman de Souza

Rolando Herrero Associate Editor

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Efficient Mist Computing in Cyber-Physical Systems

Rolando Herrero

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